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Kuebix Shipper

Rate, Book, Track… Unlimited & FOR FREE

Kuebix was designed by freight industry veterans to shift the balance of power back to you, the shipper. With Kuebix Shipper, connect directly with carriers for UNLIMITED rating, booking, and tracking your shipments in the time it takes to purchase a flight online. Get Kuebix Datasheet to learn more about transportation management systems.

Carrier Relationship Manager

Building Rock-Solid Relationships

Rock-solid carrier relationships are the lifeblood of a cost-effective and efficient freight operation. But until now, freight and logistics teams lacked the right tools to manage these crucial relationships. Today, most logistics managers are stuck using email, spreadsheets and post-it notes for their carrier interactions. All this changes with the new Kuebix Carrier Relationship Manager (CRM). It’s a new, standard feature with Kuebix Business Pro TMS.